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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 28, 2013
Hi guys

I am having an issue with my Planted tank, I keep getting bouts of BGA and hair alage, I am using EI Dose system and adding co2.

12UK Gallons Cube
Power head difuser
co2 DIY - diffuser setup
Lighting 3x T5 8w / 1 x PL18 w (2coolwhite/1warm white / 1blue

Tests show
Amonia 0.1
Nitrate 50
Nitrite 0
Ph between 7.2/7.6

I am doing weekly 25-30 % water changes, sucking it up along with my sand :-( some of my plants had melted too (mainly sagitaria) Everything else seems fine.

Any recommendations on getting rid of this?
How are you adding CO2? Are you dosing glut pressurized or DIY? I have noticed in my tanks glut really doesn't do a whole lot for GSA or GDA. You will need to keep up a constant flow of co2 to get it under control. Also what is your phosphate level?
Oh I just wanted to add if you are EI Dosing you will need to do larger water changes like at least 50%.
Hi, Thanks for reply

I am using a pressurised system of sorts, using Citric acid and Bicarb, which has a constant flow of co2, but I have to keep it below 25ppm as the fish get gassed and lost fish recently to adding too much co2 and only at 25ppm (used airline at night too). As for phosphate levels I need to get a kit to test, and will do this week. I am currently EI dosing which are using/adding phosphates?? which is a requirement of planted tanks? Oh just saw 50% water changes... ok thanks for that info, I was told 25% but I am thinking your right, maybe the water changes aren't enough and I am having a build up of phosphates from ei dosing. :). I'll check out those phosphates.

Many Thanks

The best way to eradicate BGA is to dose the tank for 5 days with Erythromycin. Erythromycin won't harm BB but can cause an ammonia spike if a lot of BGA is dying off. So after treating the tank I suggest a large 50-60% WC on day 6. This will literally kill off all the bacteria which is what BGA is.

As for the hair algae... how long are you running lighting daily? It's best to only run lighting 6 hours daily until algae issues are remedied. Do you know your phosphate reading? I prefer running planted tanks with a level of 10-20ppm nitrates and 1-5ppm phosphates. I dose PPS-Pro which shoots for adding the amount of nutrients a tank needs/uses vs EI which overdoses ferts so plants have everything they utilize. IMO your nitrate are high.

You can spot treat the hair algae either before or after treating the BGA with Erythromycin with hydrogen peroxide 3%. Use 3ml peroxide for every 1 gallon of tank water. Turn off filters, slowly squirt algae with peroxide, leave filters off 20 minutes after treating. Hair algae will start dying off within 24 hours. If you have a lot of algae to treat you will have to treat an area a day.

You also need to be doing a 50% WC weekly.
Thanks guys,

Have done 25-30% water change today so will do another tomorrow. As for phosphates will get a decent test kit. Erythromycin is hard to get in UK but Ill look around. Def going to start with larger water changes and Lighting I have had on for 8 hrs so will cut that down too thanks for the replies.
If you can get hydrogen peroxide 3% then you can vacuum up as much of the BGA as possible and spot treat the rest with the peroxide in the same amount as for hair algae. Then completely cover your tank so no light gets in. No peeking or you break the dark cycle. Leave the tank covered for 3 full days. On day 4 uncover and do a large WC, reduce lighting to 6 hours for 3 or so weeks and be sure to keep nitrate levels at 10ppm as lower levels are more conducive to BGA growth.
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