RE stocking a 55 Gallon Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2014
I recently started to convert my 55 gal mbuna tank into a all male peacock and hap tank.
Currently have 1 of fallows.
Aulonocara 'German Red'
Aulonocara 'Lemon Jake'
Aulonocara Stuartgranti
Regal blue peacock. couldn't find Latin name.
Aulonocara Maulana
Aulonocara Kandeense
OB Peacock Hybrid
Protomelas SP"Steveni Taiwan"

Feel free to suggest to me, if i may need to take any out due, to number of them with blue in their body. ALL are about 4-4.5 Inch's in size.
I was looking to add A little more yellow to the tank, was wondering if A Aulonocara baenschi would work, and maybe 1, or 2 more Peacocks or hap, of different color.

There is also two Mbuna still left in the tank, The Girlfriend, doesn't want to get rid of, both are males, i vented them to be sure, they are as fallows.
Pseudotropheus socolofi (Albino) not the best mbuna i know, but gf loves this one.:banghead:
labidochromis SRT hongi.
i haven't had a problem with my these two mbuna so far, but i do know allot of people wouldn't recommend mixing them do to the different aggression levels, dietary needs, and rock work. but they been doing really good together, I'm letting algae grow on the rocks so the mbuna can graze on it. im just wondering if i could add 2-3 more peacocks or haps to to the mix.

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