REALLY needs help still...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 3, 2011
i'm truely at a loss as to whats going on with my i'll start from the top to give a run down of everything going on..

thursday night went out and bought a new heater..the one i had was one that is perm set to 78 and you cant change it...put the new heater in...and kept trying to turn the heat up...i did have issues trying to figure out the correct temp..cause i couldnt figure out what it was really reading...(i know sounds dumb but i did)

friday morning woke up to all of my guppies at the top looking towards the center of the tank their tails clamped (i'm so tired of saying "clamped")..i couldnt do much..i added salt..and took out 3liters of water..its all i had time for..

that night i came home everyone was still alive..i took out two gallons of water and replaced them (i took out a gallon then replaced..then did that again) i have a 9 gallon biube....i even got desperate and changed the filter..i know it probably wasnt good..but i was doing everything...

at this point the heater still wasnt getting my tank to the temp i was still low 70' i cranked it up past 80..its so far held steady at 74ish almost 75..they perked up..and started swimming around the tank..literally in circles around and first i was happy..then it freaked me didnt stop till i turned the light off..and they went to the bottom and huddled there..

at this point i have lost my only male and when i woke up this morning a female..although i noticed one looked rough and knew it would go..

now they are back at the top of the tank just kinda huddled there..not really swimming..tails still clamped..i've searched ALL over the web...i dont know if theres something wrong with them internally or what..i've noticed this and noticed this before...that they've had whitish clear like poop..and searched that up and found stuff on parasites..

can anyone really help me..i'm frustrated..exhausted..and at a total loss...i will be going to petsmart to replace the heater..and hopefully find something to medicate them
Sorry to hear about the loss of your fish ... how long has your tank been established and what are your water parameters? That information can better help us to advise on what may be happening to your fish. If you don't have one, we recommend you get the API test master kit, do not rely on test strips as they are notoriously inaccurate.
thanks everyone

You need to give people some time to answer it's Saturday, the weekends are kinds slow.

But what your seeing are signs of stress related to ilness. If your seeing white string pooh then I would start treating for internal parasites with Metrozoidale. If the fish are eating then Jungle makes a antiparasitic food which is sold at Petsmart, if they're not eating then treat the entire tank with Jungles Parasite Clear. The Parasite Clear or Metro+ by Hikari are not sold through Petsmart but is the only two I recommend from experience. Neither will stain or harm the fish or bacteria count.

Next you certainly need to address the temerature issues, which your already doing. As this can certainly stress your fish leading to disease.
most of the parameters are fine ..except for the nitrates which have gone back down to 40..which is the same that comes out of my faucet...nitrates are about a 1 - 2 thats gone down from 3...i've changed the water a i'm not checking till later tonight....and i only have test strips..and for now..thats all i'm getting...excuse my tude..i've spent 2 days straight on fish..this isnt my only tank..i'm tired exhausted..and not stepping another foot in petsmart period (4 times this record hehe)

i came home from petsmart treated them with maroxy..some of their tails have opened up..except their back at the top of the tank like they were friday morning
possibly hukit..but the tank was an even lower temp before it was able to move up 2 far..its been about almost 3 hours and still hasnt heated the tank past 74...and its only 9 gallons
You said the nitrates are at 40 and I'm assuming you meant the nitrites are at 1-2 which would also explain the clamped fins, but if your seeing stringy white pooh I would treat for parasites. I would also be performing daily water changes until your tank is cycled. High nitrites while not a harmful to fish as ammonia will kill them.
tanks been tests were fine before i set out to buy them..and had been fine when i got them..i've had them for two weeks..and then suddenly this happened..woke up to it..and i had previously tested it within a few days before friday..and i've performed so many water changes in the last few days..i'm not touching it..especially since i've already changed over half of it when i got home and treated it with maroxy as i said above..
It looks like all you have to test the water is with that correct. If so, they have been shown to be not very accurate. Testing the water would be the first step once you get the heat issue corrected.

What were your water parameters before the new heater...Ammonia 0, NitrItes 0, and NitrAtes <20? This would give us a start on the problem and the fix.
not sure..cause it was fine the day i checked it a few days before i got the heater...and it all didnt start happening till friday when i checked...when i bought the strips it was all they had..and like i said..i've spent sooo much more cause every week theres some issue..i'm not spending another 15 until these strips are done..and the heater has yet to heat the tank...
not sure..cause it was fine the day i checked it a few days before i got the heater...and it all didnt start happening till friday when i checked...when i bought the strips it was all they had..and like i said..i've spent sooo much more cause every week theres some issue..i'm not spending another 15 until these strips are done..and the heater has yet to heat the tank...

(In a very nice tone) How do you know it was fine? What were your water parameters...your fish will act fine with bad water parameters for a while and then one day.....especially if a stressful situation occurs...things go downhill fast.
You posted the nitrates were down to 1-2 from 3, did you mean nitrites? If so start changed water whether you like to or not. Or I am not reading that correctly.

Maroxy is used to treat fungus not parasites so I would also discontinue it's use.
right now it reads nitrates at 50..cause its not light enough for 40 or dark enough for 80..nitraates are now at about 6.8 which is lower then i'd like..but with the water changes..thats expected...normally my nitrates are at 40..and nitrites are 0 and they have been up until friday

yes but the package does state in aiding clamped fins..i bought another for treating internal and external parasites
Do you have a reading for ammonia?

The three were are concerned about is:
Ammonia which should be at zero...toxic
NitrItes should be at zero...toxic
NitrAtes should be less than 20

You mention NitrAAtes?
none for ammonia..

nitrates are 40 from what comes out of my faucet..i have 6 other tanks in the house..and have fish all my life living her..with the same water..and its never been a problem before..and i use to breed guppies for a few years not long ago..

i know nitrites should be at 0..its been up since friday its slowly going back down..
Have you done anything with your filter...maybe you are having some sort of mini-cycle but I would think that might account for for you having NitrItes again.
the nitrates will be at 40..because that is what the nitrates are from the water from the faucet in the house..regardless of where i go in the house..or out..they will be 40
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