Recommend EASY Plants Please.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 26, 2011
Rutland, England
Hey! I have just recently got back from abroad and after selling all my fish before I went away, I am now left with and empty tank.

It's a 29G tank. I have a Eheim pro II 2026 filtering it, so it is over filtered and there is lots of water movement (though not too much). It has a heater so tropical plants can be added aswell. The substrate will be black sand and I will also paint the back black to enhance the colours of everything inside of it. The stock as planned so far will be;

Red cherry shrimp,
Amano shrimp,
Cardinal Tetras,
Penguin Tetras,
and possibly some Corydoras.

Any help with some plant ideas would be much appreciated. I'd like some for the foreground, mid ground and back ground, along with possibly some moss. A handful of plants would be ideal, remember 'EASY plants'. ;)

Many thanks!
There are a some basic low tech(easy) plants. A few are Anubias, Java Fern, Jeva Moss, Watersprite, Wisteria. And also some floating plants are pretty easy to keep. Thats all I can think of at the moment. Some of the real plant Gurus will give you a full list I'm sure;)
I really like Anubias. You can rubber band it or attach it with thread to rocks or driftwood. I also have Amazon swords that do really well and I have medium light with no CO2. I just use root tabs with my swords. I also have a 29g tank. Good Luck with the tank!
Other easy plants are dwarf sag, corkscrew val, crypts, swords, and narrowleaf temple are all good ones.

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