Recommendation for canister filter

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 1, 2006
Hi all,
I'm in the market for a canister filter. my Eheim of +15 years has siphoned its last drop of water. I have a 75 gallon community tank (small tetras right now) so not a huge amount of debris to filter. I'm looking for a quiet filter (my old Eheim was running pretty loud these past several years).

Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

Id go buy another Ehiem personally. I think they are the quietest, and if it only started getting louder in the past few years, 15 years of performance is not something to scoff at. Just my opinion though.
Welcome to AA :) I have two fluval canisters, a 305 and a 405, and i highly recommend them... i cant hear mine running unless i literally put my ear against it... not to mention they are super easy to set up and clean...

Welcome to AA :) I have two fluval canisters, a 305 and a 405, and i highly recommend them... i cant hear mine running unless i literally put my ear against it... not to mention they are super easy to set up and clean...

I too have 2 fluval 403's at 20+ years they still work fine. Although the quick release valves started leaking and had to be replaced several years ago.
cant go wrong with another eheim. from there it depends on your price range and what youre looking to get.
i have used eheim filters ranging from the classic series (great value, dependable workhorse canisters. but not much to them. pretty basic canister) to the wet/dry pro series 2227/2229 (much more elaborate filtration system with built in wet/dry chamber for added bio-filtration, and built in wavemaker. great filter, but they do tend to be pretty expensive)
I have 3 Rena Filstar XP3's and love them, but you cant scoff at 15 years of dependable service from the eheim.
I love my fluvals and I don't have anything negative to say about the xp3 but I have only been running one for about 2 weeks now so I can't give it a thumbs up yet--so far so good with it though.
I have the Marineland C-360. I would definitely recommend it. It's extremely quiet and easy to clean. I'm surprised this filter doesn't get talked about more.

The only knock I can give it is that it was kind of a pain to install, but I think most of that was due to my inexperience. It seems to be made of good quality materials. I haven't had any issues.
I am brand new to the hobby and just got a Rena Filstar Xp2 and I must say for a first try at a canister filter I have been impressed. Easy to set up when I didn't know much about them. Running great and easy to clean.
Eheim the best out there imo I have sixon varrious tanks 20 yrs plus service never a problem and VERY quiet!!!
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