Recommendations for fish for a 5 gallon fish tank

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Arok Lazarus

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 9, 2012
Hi everyone! I've been helping my girlfriend raise fish for a few years now and she recently got me my own 5 gallon fish tank. So, I've gotten on here to ask for recommendations for fish that I can put in it. I'm hoping to stay in this community as well so expect to see me around!

With that being said, I am relatively knowledgeable of fish but I always like to have more advice. I'm shooting for a freshwater tropical tank. I really wanted Cichlids but I know that's simply not an option for a 5 gallon. Please keep in mind that it will have to be a relatively common fish as the only exotic fish store in my area has a reputation for keeping sick fish. This means my main options are Petsmart and Walmart. I actually work in the fish department of my Walmart and I take good care of the fish there meaning that I'm not afraid of buying from them since I know the fish will be healthy.

I was thinking maybe a Betta, but that's only if I have no other choice. My girlfriend and I are trying to breed Muppies but we're not sure that's going to work out so I don't think those will be an option.

Anyway, to make it short and sweet, what are some good options for freshwater tropical fish that I can keep in a 5 gallon fish tank? If you have any questions, please let me know so we can help each other out!

:welcome: to AA! (y)

IMO a 5gal really limits your options ... you can look at nano fish like Celestial Pearl Danios and scarlet badis for example.

You could however go a different route and do a shrimp tank ... you can easily do 10 Dwarf shrimp like Amanos or RCS.
Thanks for the quick reply! While I do agree that a 5 gallon limits my options please keep in mind that I currently don't have the room to upgrade. Unfortunately, none of the fish you mentioned sound familiar which leads me to believe that I might not be able to find any in my area. I will double check on the morning though. Any other suggestions?
Google nano fish ... I think chili rasboras are another example. You could do 4-5 neon tetras .. they stay small enough for a 5gal ... though they tend to be a bit too energetic for a 5 ... IMO.

Other members that have kept nano fish and or 5gal should chime in.
Oh I see. So they're like neon, glolight, red eye tetras?

Do you think hi-fin black tetras would be fine?
Yep ..Neon / Glowlight are similar fish ... Red eye tetras and black skirt tetras are too big for a 5gallon.
Maybe you can buy from here or online with someone reputable or look into craigslist or local fish club as a possible answer.

I keep the Boraras Brigittae "Chilis" with my dwarf shrimp in my 6.6G Edge, to me they seem very delicate, don't like to be netted/handled, die easily after trip from lfs but I am looking to see about picking some up from another source, just to see if it is my supplier or the fish which is the problem. I am looking to get a group of 8 Chilis, in case I lose one or two. From different stock as previously mentioned. I think you could do 6.

What other fish were you thinking for the bottom?

Muppies would likely get too big too, too much waste.

Our Walmart has mostly fish which would be tooooooo big for a 5G.

Glowlight Tetra are good/active swimmers and I just worry there wouldn't be enough room.

As you have probably seen there are some really amazing Bettas.

Neons really are active too and need some good horizontal room for swimming and prefer a group bigger than 6.
Thanks for the reply Autumnsky! I'm not sure if I want to buy fish online just yet. I don't dislike neon tetras but I'm not sure those are what I want. It seems more and more likely that a Betta is what I'll have to get. :/ (This is provided that my girlfriend and I aren't able to breed Muppies).

I'm thinking a corydora might go good with a Betta. It doesn't seem like it'd be a problem there.
Well I'm thinking about getting a Betta. What tank Mates are good with male bettas? Also, are African Dwarf Frogs good with them? I had those when I was younger and they lived for 5 years so if possible I'd like to get some more.

In fact, if they aren't good with Bettas, then what are good tank mates for African Dwarf frogs?
If you Walmart and chain stores are your only option, I think a betta is indeed your best bet. Most of the commonly available tetras and stuff get too big for a 5g and will not thrive like they would in a bigger tank.
You can ask your local chain store if you can special order some of the fish we mentioned for you. Along with the badis and chilis, some other options for common nano fish are sparkling gouramis and ember tetras.
If you choose to go the route of the betta, I do not suggest any fish tankmates. IMO, 5g is just not enough space for a betta and friends. Some people have had success with an adf and a betta, others don't. I have never tried it personally.
If you choose to go the adf route, you can get several of the little guys since they seem to like company.
Just for the record, don't be afraid of online ordering. After all, that's how your store gets it's fish. People here can suggest some good places to order from if you are willing to try that route. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a nice betta tank either. :)
Thanks for the response absolutangel. I think I'm going to go the adf route. I like the little froggies and a community tank would be nice. I'm thinking an adf, 2 rasboras, and a small corydora should do nicely.
That seems like an awesome size for a Betta. It really depends on the personality of the Betta.

I have had lots of Bettas, only a small number will tolerate friends as in a community environment. I have ramshorn snails, Mystery snails, had dwarf frogs, and several which have been community fish.

Got one this spring which was still young a half inch and figured he would be perfect being young to go with some snails and maybe even community. The second he saw snails in the bowl he was ramming them and biting them. I figured he just needed some time and even introduced them into a new bowl (2.5gal) and it didn't matter he hated them and wanted them dead.

Got a different one and he charged at the Red Fire guppies for a few minutes maybe 10-15 min, no biting or gnashing them started pal-ing around with them until he got tired and would go and rest for awhile then would be right back up there swimming around with them. He now resides with the peaceful tropical fish in my heavily planted 35G, along with a peaceable male Pearl Gourami and Amano Shrimp and a Bamboo shrimp. Everybody gets along even at feeding time. I generally feed one on each side of the tank.

I have one which seems to do fine with a bunch of Ramshorn snails but every once in a while he gets cranky and gets ticked off at a snail and bites at it and rams it and I try to feed him and then that distracts him from the poor snail.

I have had female Bettas as or more aggressive than any males, and some which were territorial but got along and just chased the other fish away from her top corner. Though she would swim around in with the other fish happily but when she got back to "HER" corner look out!

So although you may have stressed out Bettas to compare at the store, and you may want to see how much they flare when you put them next to each other and see if you can find one with the personality that suits you.

Dwarf African frogs can be difficult to keep. They could be friends or enemies. They need food in the bottom of the tank and are supposed to be a little chubby, not the skinny poor looking ones often seen in the stores. They both like blood worms.

I always made sure there was a little place where the frog could hang out with a rock ledge keeping the betta away and move around on the bottom to make sure they could get their food supply and not be interfered with by the Betta while eating.

Hope you get something wonderous!
Thanks for the response absolutangel. I think I'm going to go the adf route. I like the little froggies and a community tank would be nice. I'm thinking an adf, 2 rasboras, and a small corydora should do nicely.

I am not sure about rasboras with adf, but if you have decided on adf you can make a thread in the amphibian section asking about them.
I do know that most of the tiny rasboras do better in larger groups because they tend to be shy. Same goes for the cories. I don't recommend any of the cories commonly available at Walmart for a 5g tank. Also, I think adf might out-competed for food if you have cories. Again, not sure, just a caution. I suggest you discuss adf tanks/tankmates with folks in the amphibian section. If you still want them, go ahead. If not, you can always come back to this thread for other stocking suggestions.
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