Red plant advice

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 1, 2012
I am looking to add different colors to my tank, all the plants I have now are all green. I was thinking about looking for some reds and maybe other colors as well. Any suggestions for a some colorful plants for my tank?

90 gallons
No C02 as I have a wet/dry filter
Temp will be 78-82
Have a florite substrate
Using a aqualife dual t5 lighting system, seems bright so I think I can grow most stuff although baby tears didn't work out.
Here is a list of red/pink/orange/yellow plants I have growing in tanks. You can view many of them in the pic's in this link....

Plant list:
Limnophila aromatica 'hippuroides' -easy
Proserpinaca Palustris -need very high light to turn orange
Myriophyllum tuberculatum -easy
Myrio Red -easy
Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden' - extremely hard and fussy/high light
Rotala macrandra -need lower nitrates/higher phosphates/high light
Rotala Wallichii -needs soft water/high light
Rotala Indica -easy
Alternanthera reineckii -easy
Red Tiger Lotus -easy
Thank you guys for the info, rivercats your tank is amazing. Very similar to what I have pictured for mine, I have a lot of work to do, but after seeing yours i know it will be worth it.
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