Red Tail Shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2013
Portsmouth, UK
I've just added 2 corys and a red tail shark to my 60l tank of 4 neon tetras and 2 African dwarf I able to get shrimp with the shark??
I don't think the frogs will survive with the shark in the tank. And if the shark gets big you might want to watch to see if your Neons are doing okay. I wouldn't risk getting shrimp with your shark as they could become dinner.
My shark is pretty laid back, and I make sure to feed it late in the evening so maybe it doesn't get too hungry.

There are Amano shrimp and Cardinals and Glowlight Tetras and Conchu Blue Tetras. Haven't noticed any missing. But I also wouldn't have a melt down if there was. So I am aware there could be a risk, but haven't seen any reason to be concerned yet! I wouldn't keep rare or super expensive small fish in with her though, lol!

The tank is set up well to keep hiding places and also good places for the shark to cruise around! (72G)

Thanks all....I'll keep any eye on her. So far she seems fine, haven't seen any chasing yet. I'm quite new to this aquarium business and I'm confused about my filter (see pic) is there a specific way the flow should be facing as it seems quite strong for the fish to swim against???

I get a little mixed up with abbreviations sometimes... Is your tank 60 liters? If so, then you RTS will outgrow your tank and will likely be more aggressive (more so than typical) while its in there.
I've got a redtail in with my angels and there has been no busting chops of any sorts. Had him for awhile and he is quite tame with everybody. I also have lots of driftwood and tall plants to provide good cruising grounds for him.
Do you have a name and model number of the filter?

There is usually a knob or lever to adjust the flow, but sometimes there isn't.

I will ask a member here, Shellyx to look at it. She might be familiar with it.
Hi, im not to sure what make your filter is? Did you get it with your set up? Some can turn down so the flow isn't too strong for the fish. I had one that kinda looked like that and there was a small nozzle near the inside of the filter maybe take a look there.
Its a Dennerle 4 in 1 Bio Circulator. It came with my set up which is a Dennerle Nano Marinus Cube 60litre. My LFS said it was meant to be a marine tank, but would be just as good with freshwater....I bought this set up because it was the best looking tank and a good size for a beginner. I can't see any lever..... the system only had instructions in german and very basic English ones.
Haven't heard of that model of tank, I'll have look for you and see what I come up with.

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