Red wendtii leaves curling

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 30, 2012
West by God Virginny
What's going on here? It's been growing like a weed, and you can see it's sending out runners. I this normal behavior for older leaves? I have a second, younger one and a green one that both look fine. They are both under more shade than this one.

Excel daily
Liquid leaf ferts weekly
Root tabs monthly, including under the crypt
T5HO 10,000k & 6,500k
Lights on 9 hours a day

I'll be ordering dry ferts recommended by Rivercats after the holiday.


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I think this is somewhat normal for older growth on crypts. It has been awhile since I kept crypts, but I seem to remember mine doing this as well.
I've had my crypts do that if I left them grow for months on end without trimming old leaves. Plus I noticed that before many of my plants got really large the Wendtii's got alot more light which also seemed to cause more downward curling in old leaves. Now the Wendtii's I have left get alot less light and I keep them trimmed alot so none of the leaves are left long enough to show any signs of curling.
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