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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2004
central florida
Has any one ever heard of reef chemicals that come as a set of two bottles? Im not sure who makes them but there suposed to be good for any kind of corals soft, hard whatever . My LFS does'nt use them they use natureef but those are pretty exspensive and the two bottle set is not at all only 20$ for the set of 16oz bottles. I was wondering if anyone uses somthing like this or has heared any pros or cons about them???
There are different views on the use of additives on this site. I do not use them. Most help in buffering Ph and Alk while they claim to add trace elements back into the water that get depleted with time. I feel the best way to keep Ph stable and replace trace elements is by doing regular water changes. 10% every two weeks is a lot cheaper then adding chemicals to the tank. I also do not add anything to my tank that I can not test for. HTH...Lando
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