ReefBoy's 360 Gallon REEF Build

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Ok I'll check them right now. Going to do a water change tonight. Been mixing the water all week. Now I'm finally free for the rest of the summer. Time to get back to reeding :)
Ok so I did a water change and some other stuff to get the parameters back in check. Everyones doing fine now and the trumpets are not recessing as much. Yet they are not puffing up like they use to. But it will take time I'm sure. Good things don't happen over night. Bad things though... haha you all know better than me. :)
The Canon 7d Mark ii can pull off some great photos. I now have a better understanding of ISO's, Bokeh, Aperture, etc. But I still have a long ways to go.s:rolleyes:


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I now know that shooting straight on with the glass is a lot better than shooting angled towards the glass. So don't mention the angle.... :p
I decided to order a new L lens. I ordered the Canon 24-105mm f/4 L lens yesterday so I can use it on my trip to California.

Does anyone know of any good fish stores in California?? Anywhere in California is fine. Preferably San Diego (My Home Town).

Does Exotic Reef Imports let ordinary people into their facility???

I would like to make a big order of fish and have them ship the order to my home sometime in September after the tank is all setup, running, and everything is stable and filled with copepod growth :).
The Canon 7d Mark ii can pull off some great photos. I now have a better understanding of ISO's, Bokeh, Aperture, etc. But I still have a long ways to go.s:rolleyes:

Great photo of your clown! I used to have one that looked just like that, is that a Percula?
Thanks!! I love clowns!! I believe it was labeled as a True Percula. I picked him up 2 years ago along with the other 2 clowns in the tank. He happened to stay as a Male Clown. So he can rightly be named Nemo. :)
So the skimmer is being broken in. The trigger was out playing so I snapped a couple pics of him. The Zoanthids were looking nice as the night went on so I snapped some pics of them too. :)


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What a beautiful fish. A trigger that doesn't eat coral? Who would have known.
Also, nice reef octopus skimmer. Enjoy the break in period, though why doing it in a tub rather than right in the system it will belong to?
What a beautiful fish. A trigger that doesn't eat coral? Who would have known.
Also, nice reef octopus skimmer. Enjoy the break in period, though why doing it in a tub rather than right in the system it will belong to?

The trigger send his humble thanks!! lol He is a Blue jaw and he has been a model citizen. Although sometimes he will get into it with he female clown.. But they sort it out. He is one of my favorites and I wouldn't trade him for anything:flowers::flowers:

As for the skimmer, I'm keeping it in the bucket for now until the tank arrives. The tank is taking forever to arrive and it is coming with the custom size sump. The tank should be arriving sometime mid August.:ermm:
Here's the fish wish list!!!

Moorish Idol............ Or not..
So I like the Moorish Idols.. But I'm afraid I won't be able to provide a proper diet for them. So I think I will go with the reef safe schooling banner fish.

2-4 schooling banner fish

15-20 Anthias, most likely Carberryi

2-3 yellow tangs

1 Regal Blue Tang

1 Blue Jaw Triggerfish.

1-2 Longhorn cowfish

3-5 Clownfish

1 Mandarin Goby

2 Blue Green Chromis

3-4 Cardinals

Some of these will be taken off the list of course. But this is what I'm looking at so far~~~ let me know if you have any suggestions!! :)
Would love to do a couple Dwarf Golden Moray eels.. But they will end up on the floor most likely. And they will have the cardinals in their mouth most of the time...
Competing again

So I just competed in Austin at the National Team Qualifier. I will be heading to France on the 27th to do some training with their team.
Any good fish stores in Paris???:brows:
Here's a pic of the final round. I landed it perfectly.. for once. Lol:facepalm:


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Moorish idols are a fish best left in the sea. They are a struggle and many will refuse to eat when moved into our systems. I'd skip it.
I'd also be wary of having more than one tang that looks alike in the tank. It might be a big tank, but they will find a way to bully one another to death. I'd stick with one yellow tang.
And gratz on the final round. Hope it went well.
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