Reefer turned FW

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2006
Well, I have had a 125g reef for a couple years now, but am getting ready to transfer to from my community college to a four year university, so I am trying to go as simple as possible. Basically I have a 30g tank that I have a couple ideas for.

Idea one:
filled to the brim with a HOB filter

Idea two:
blocking off a 4ish inch section and creating a waterfall into a terrarium with a HOB filter in the back

I have a few questions which I will just list below and would really appreciate answers.

Is activated carbon in an HOB filter enough?

Protein skimmers are unnecessary correct?

UV sterilizers?

Is it worth it to keep my RODI unit?

Is my 175w metal halide too much lighting?

Are there any easy plants that don't require CO2? If not, what is the cheapest/simplest form of CO2?

Best substrate?

Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
Tiger Barbs
Neon Tetra
maybe some Zebra Danios
any small turtles for a terrarium?

clean up crew??

Wow, I'm sure I will think of more and probably find some of these answers as I continue reading, but I haven't found the answers yet. Thank you so much!!!
Idea one is obviously standard procedure.

Idea sounds interesting. Probably could work.

No AC at all. Bio media (aka ceramic noodles) and filter pads.

Protein skimmer wont work, not enough surface tension.

UV if you have it use it. Will keep algae down.

175 halide over 30 gallons will be one bright tank. I have never tried it or really know of anyone who has. There are some real planting experts around here who probably have.

CO2 is necessary over 2 watts a gallon. Doesn't matter what plants. You can DIY, get pressurized or dose Flourish Excel. Otherweise the algae will out compete the plants.

If you are going to plant it Ecocomplete is the best IMO. You can also use sand or gravel.

Stocking looks ok. The barbs get fairly big and aggressive, they probablly are not a good choice to mix with a gourami. They will nip at the feelers.

I know of no turtle that will live in a 30 gallon tank or reside with fish. Can you say dinner?

Clean up crew is not the same as SW. Just a pleco, one of the smaller types or cories or ottos, maybe the right type of snail.
Is activated carbon in an HOB filter enough?
I don't use activated Carbon, Just floss and biological (Matrix by Seachem)
Protein skimmers are unnecessary correct?
correct, they don't function without salinity
UV sterilizers?
They are good to keep the water free of parasites and other nasties
Is it worth it to keep my RODI unit?
depends on the water quality where you are going, and what kind of fish you want
Is my 175w metal halide too much lighting?
over a 30Gal, yes. you will roast the fish or cause algae blooms left right and center anything over 60w T12 lighting will require Co2 to prevent algae from forming all the time (about 40w T8 equiv)
Are there any easy plants that don't require CO2? If not, what is the cheapest/simplest form of CO2?
Yes, there are a lot of plants that don't need Co2, but all plants benefit from it. Using 2 liter pop bottles (x 2) in a DIY configuration will increase plant growth by a fair margin.
Best substrate?
eco-complete, flourite are the top 2.
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