Refrozen scallops? Dangerous?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 23, 2008
I have had two clown fish die shortly after feeding them some scallops I got from work. They are frozen when the come in to my workplace then thawed to serve. Well there were some broken up pieces that I brought home and refroze to preserve them. Is this the reason my clown fish are dying? My damsel is doing fine.
As long as they are raw and unseasoned, refreezing wouldn't matter other than a slight loss of nutrients; however, I'd perform a water change and hope for the best.
I agree, can you get us some water parameters?
How much are you feeding at a time?
I don't eat sea food, but can you thaw it and refreeze it, without ill effects?
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OK, reader beware and do whatever at your own risk:

I recently read on a frugal living Web site that refreezing food does NOT increase the risk of foodborn diseases. They said that refreezing only causes loss of flavor and/or texture.

Personally, there have been times when a frozen pizza has partially thawed in my car in the summer, I've tossed into the freezer when I've gotten home, and suffered no ill effects after baking and eating it later. Again, eater beware though.
Water parameters are all 0, and salinity is 1.024, PH is steady at 8.2, and no ill effects on my domino! Bought them at the same lfs. Can't keep a clown, all inverts doing good. Both clowns died shortly after feeding them the scallops. Either way I will get a pro water test and stop feeding them scallops and stick with the commercial fish food! Thank you for your input all!
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