refugium substrate?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 4, 2005
corvallis or
i have crushed puca shell substrate left over from adding to my 90 gal....can i use this for my main or base substrate...i know its not live but i think i might have it seeded with some that is...and i will definately be filling it with LR. i just want to save some $$$ and use what i have...also is this to coarse of grain for like clams or plants?
Most will say to use the finest sand that you can get usually of an argonite makeup. Shells and other jagged material is not good for sand sifters nor does it have the added surface area for bacteria to develop.
As long as it is aragonite based it will be fine. Jagged edges in silica sand is not the same as shells. etc. I used sand and rubble rock in my fuge.
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