Refuguim Pros, need your advice.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2003
Im starting a hob fuge for my 20L and i need a few answers on the macros i want to put in it. Ive heard that grape and razor calurepa are good and there's a lfs here that sells Gracilliaria (sp). Just wondering what you guys have in your fuge. Also id like to know how to keep them from going sexual, ive heard 24/7 lighting prevents that and trimming back the plants helps. Any advice id appreciate.
I have razor caulerpa and do opposite lighting. It grows like a weed. I pull out at least a hand full a week and feed some to the tangs, throw some away and give some to friends. I keep it 'well trimmed' and have never had a problem with it. (so far)
I use Chaetomorph and it does well, is not prone to go sexual like caulerpa. Gracilliaris is also supposed to be pretty good, but I have no experience with it. Before using the Chaeto, I was using Halimeda and was happy with the results. Would still be using it but the Chaeto has pretty much killed it off.
The only reason I don't recomment Halimeda is that it is a calcuim incrusting macro algea. I don't want anything taking away from my precious calcium. :D
As Reefrunner suggests, Chaetomorpha is the best I have found. Lots and lots and lots of it!
I have razor and I only run my lights for 13 hours a day and it dose not go sexual. I have had my 20 gal fuge for over a year with no problems.
Now Grape I have had go sexual in my 15 gal fuge on my 125 several times...... I no longer use grape. I have what I think is mexicana in my 15 and it is great stuff.
STAY away from grape...... Chgeato I have tried and the others over grow it fast choaking it out and it dies......
The best way to keep macro from going sexual is 24 hr. lights (grows double fast 2), and if anyone says don't feed your fish the macro because it introduces nitrates that you just filtered out, stop and consider that feeding any other food does the same thing. i've done good with a combo of dif. macros- one crahses-the other takes over. I heard that the red macro was good cause they usually don't crash when the greens do, but mix it with greens cause it works the other way round too.
I grow chaeto, grape caulerpa and red gracillarias (sp). The chaeto does the best for me. I dont' get good growth out of the other two, but I don't run much light.
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