Regal Tang Needs Help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 12, 2004
My regal tang is covered with what appears to be white hairs. It is on the sides and the tail. It looks like she has long fur. Does anyone know what it is? I had a dog once that had a run in with a porcupine and this looks similar to that.
Can you send some pics with it? I'm not sure. When did you get him, or how long have you had him? These Regals are quite demanding, but absolutely gorgeous fish!

Man, I have no idea but I am interested to know because I have a regal also. Hopefully some of our experienced "fish doctors" will chime in with an answer. In the mean it would be very useful if you could provide some more info on the fish and your setup. Here are the questions to answer (from the sticky)

"1. How long have you had the fish? Do you know if it was wild caught, or tank raised?
2. How long has the fish been in the tank? What are the tank mates? Any aggression?
3. Is the fish eating? If so what does it eat?
4. What are the water parameters? pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, SPG? What saltwater test kit are you using?
5. Is the fish showing any physical signs of disease, grain of salt size spots, discoloration, ragged fins, misting or spots on the fins, cuts, cloudy eyes, etc?
6. Is the fish "flashing" (scratching or rubbing on rocks, decorations or substrate)?
7. How is the fish acting? Is it swimming around, or just hovering in one spot or corner of the tank?
8. Did you use quarantine? If so for how long and did you have a need to treat for any ailments? Is it in qt now? Are you currently treating with any medication(s)?
9. What size system? What type of filtration do you use? Do you have any live rock or sand?
10. Do you use any additives? Have you used any sort of meds in the main tank?"
If someone will let me know what I need to do to post a picture I will do that. I tried once before in a different thread and it did not work. I think I need it turned on or something. At any rate I checked him this morning and they were still present.

The tang just came out of a six week ich quarentine along with a shrimp goby, 2 clowns, and a firefish. He went into the main tank which is a 125, looked great swam around went into some live rock for the night and when he came out the next day he had fur. :lol:

At any rate I will answer all of the other questions later at home cant do right now at work. I will say the ammonia is 0, ph is around 8.3 Nitrite 0 and nitrates 2.5
I have had the tang for about 4months. It is not rubbing on any of the live rock at all. In all honesty whatever is on her doesnt look like it is affecting the way she swims and she is eating like normal. However her body is a very pale blue where the hairs are attached.

I was treating the quarantine Tank with Copper safe do you think this could be some sort of reaction from that? I dont know I am guessing. I have 2 others A blue ringed angel and a royal gramma that I need to get out of another qt tank but I am afraid to do that with her condition the way it is. Plus I dont know if it would spread to the others, so far it hasnt.

I have searched the web for diseases and illnesses but I have not come across anything that describes what I am seeing on my Regal Tang.

Tank Setup - The tank has been running since April 1st 2004
I have a wet/dry 125 plumbed to a 20 gallon long tank which contains a turbo floater multi skimmer. Currently I am not using any filter media such as carbon or chemipure etc. I have a Quite One 4000 and a Mag drive 7 returning the water from the wetdry sump combo and a single U tube over flow and a double CPR overflow supplying the wet dry and sump. I also have 1 maxi jet 1200 running inside the tank which from what I have read I am going to add a couple more of those to increase flow. The tank has about 75 lbs of live rock at this time a couple dozen assorted snails, 6 hermits, 2 cleaner and 1 blood red shrimp. The Substrate is a combination of Crushed Coral and Marine Sand.
It's hard to say without pics, and I'm far from an expert on fish diseases, but this sounds like some type of fungus. Fungal infections are usually indicated by a white/gray fuzzy growth. I'm not sure what you'd treat a tang with if it were fungal in nature though.
If you can submit a picture, Steve S. can most likely identify it for you. Sounds like fungus to me as well. I have seen fungus fall off, and some say you can actually pick it off with sterilized tweezers, but I have not done it, nor witnessed it.

Salttanker said:
If you can submit a picture, Steve S. can most likely identify it for you. Mike

Very true. Steve is very good at that sort of thing. I'll send him a PM and ask him to take a look at this post.
Well I attempted to get a picture tonight but that was easier said than done. Just a Blurry Blue Streak. :lol: I will try and get a picture posted in the Mean time I will keep an eye on the water quality and see how it goes.

Thanks for the help thus far
I have some pictures they are not the greatest but I think you can make out what I am trying to explain. If you guys want to see them I will email them to you I cant seem to figure out how to post them to the site. My office may be blocking that not sure.

My email address is email me and I will send you the pics thanks.

You know what one more question? If it is in fact fungus is it contagious, will it move to the other fish in the tank? Does anyone know where I can get some information on this for Diagnosis and Treatment. I tried several searches late last night but came up empty.

E-mail the picture to me and I will post it for you after work unless you can do it before the next hour or so.... steve-s at (sub the at for @ and no spaces, fools the web bots)

Could very well be a fungus or some sort of parasite mabye. Doesn't sound like your typical problems though. As far as the problem spreading, most fungal problems are usually bacterial in nature and while the other fish can catch it they rarley do. It depends on the individual health of a fish and it's environment.

Just incase the pics don't lead anywhere, try adding some more detail.

Do any of the white hairs show any sign of independant movement?
What if anything has been added after you got the tang: fish, invert or otherwise?
What was the last fish added and time between fish additions?
Does the overall appearance of the problem seem to look the same each day or does it wax/wane?

Also, is your QT ready to use? Cycling would not be a concern if treatment is needed.

The hairs do not appear to move location wise on the body. They are visible from the middle of the fish to the tail one side of her has thicker hairs than the other.

It pretty well looks the same as it did.

My tank has been fishless for the past 6 weeks due to an ich quarentine. I put the tang, a shrimp goby, 2 clowns and a fire fish in the tank sunday. all were qt'd together for the 6 weeks.

The qt tank that she came out of is still running.

I used coppersafe in the qt tank I am concerned that may have caused it. The hairs were not visible while she was in qt or the night I put her into the main tank. The next morning boom she was covered.

Nothing has been added to the tank since the QT started 6 weeks ago.

Thanks for the help
Tangs and copper do not mix well as a rule. In future if needing to treat for C. irritans opt for hyposalinity. If a copper med is still needed, then look for Cupramine by Seachem. Much better tolerated by a wide variety of copper sensitive fish. Also be sure to get the corresponding multi-copper test kit by Seachem. The ammonia alert badge is also a +

Sounds like it's either bacterial or possibley a true fungal infection but I would lean towrds bactrerial (vibrio). The scales of the fish are most likely standing up making it look much worse. If the other fish have not shown any signs, most likely they won't.

Since the tang has already been through a rough time I'd hate to see it go back in the QT but I think you should and treat it with Maracyn II at double the dose daily for seven full days. It will also help to soak the foods in the Maracyn. Remove some QT water to predissolve the med and then take a few tspn of that to soak the foods in. Be sure that you keep a close eye on water quality and medicate any change water before use. Make sure there is no copper remaining from the last treatment and no carbon.

If no Maracyn II is available then Nitrofurazone (Furacyn) at 30mg/gal for 3 days.

Thanks Steve,

I appreciate your advice and quick response. I will fetch her out of the main tonight and treat in qt. I feel bad for her she showed no signs of problems in the QT.

On a positive note she looks much better than she has previously. I would say that half of whatever was on her is gone now.

Thanks Again,

No worries, based on the pic you sent (won't post, not that clear) there are several areas that look like little black pimples. These are often the result of the parasites damage and can lead to a secondary infection. Treat the fish and you should be fine. Be sure to feed fortified foods high in [acronym="Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid"]HUFA[/acronym] and spurlina. If possible also find some Beta Glucan (health food store). It is also an ingredient in Ocean Nutrition Formula foods if available at your LFS.

My next question is how long should I leave my Blue Tang in QT? I treated with the maracyn (double dose for a week). and observered for about another week with no further medications. She is doing great, eating well, the fuzzy hairy things are gone. She still has some markings on her body but color is looking better everday.

Thanks in Advance and Happy Holidays

Great to hear!!

You should be able to transfer the tang back to the main anytime. The black marks may take some time to disappear completey though. Just be sure you keep up with the water changes and forified foods.

Happy Holidays to you as well...
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