Replacing female dwarf gourami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005
It's been awhile since I have posted. Things were going well with my tank until a week ago. I have a 10G tank with 3 julii cories, 1 male dwarf gourami, and 1 female dwarf gourami. Last week the female dwarf gourami got dropsy and died. So now I am looking for suggestions to replace her. I know I could get another female dwarf gourami but this is my son's tank and he would like something different. So, does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone had any luck keeping 3 male dwarf gouramis in a 10G? I know this would be pushing the limits of the tank a little as far as number/size of fish but I think I could keep up with water changes etc. Or, is there a small schooling fish that could hold it's own with the gourami but not bully/fin nip the gourami? Thanks for any suggestions!!
I think the main thing he wants is just something that looks different than what he has/had. When we were at the lfs today he was pointing out the flame dwarf gouramis (we have a powder blue dwarf gourami) as well as a number of other tetras, guppies, pretty much anything and everything but the female dwarf gourami. He is too young to decide on his own so he knows that I get the final say and if I don't think anything else will work we will be getting another female dwarf gourami.
I have 2 dwarf gourami's in my 20 gal and they used to get along, but are now pretty territorial. I wouldn't put more than one in the 10gal. I would maybe get some more tetras of different species, or some guppies if you look in the right places there are some pretty neat colored guppies.
I would not go with another male gourami, they can be quite territorial towards each other. A guppy should be fine.
I agree, the two dwarf gouramis might kill each other (I had one that killed a female before in a big tank). Do not get a schooling fish, they need more space to swim than a 10gal, need to be in a group of at least 4-5, and wouldn't school much in that little tank anyway. I would go with the guppies, all male. They are prettier than the girls anyway and you don't run into danger of them multiplying all the time.
I got 2 male fire red dwarf gouramis in my 26G, and they are doing pretty well. I have them in with rasboras, neons, and cherry barbs.

If you want to add color, cherry barbs are great with dwarf gouramis. The males are deep red, and the females are more brown. So it's not hard to tell them apart. :)
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll have to take my son to the store and run a few of the ideas by him and see what he thinks.

Thanks for always being so helpful everyone!
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