Replacing gravel

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 31, 2012
Chicago IL
So, I'm considering swapping my current substrate with either sand, or finer/smaller size gravel.

Can this safely be done all at once without risk to the bb established in my tank? How much bb resides in gravel anyway?

I have 29gal with a Fluval 206 and Marineland bio wheel 200.


So, I'm considering swapping my current substrate with either sand, or finer/smaller size gravel.

Can this safely be done all at once without risk to the bb established in my tank? How much bb resides in gravel anyway?

I have 29gal with a Fluval 206 and Marineland bio wheel 200.



Was this a dumb question?

I don't mind being told so, or why....
How long has the tank been fully cycled? I switched out gravel for sand (and I am 200% happy with my choice, sand looks a million times better!) all at once and had no issues. Yes your gravel holds BB but not near as much as what's in your filter/on filter media. I wouldn't worry about it honestly. Also I went from no live plants to all live plants not long after the switch (all fake plants came out, and I had a lot of fake plants) and still had no issues. If your really worried about it you could always put some gravel in a media bag and hang it near the filter intake if you think that would ease your mind some, but I don't think it's necessary to be honest; it's completely up to you.
No its not a stupid question.

You shouldn't have major issues switching substrate as long as your filter has matured. Maybe minir things like. Little extra algae until things settle down but nothing to stop you making tge change
How long has the tank been fully cycled? I switched out gravel for sand (and I am 200% happy with my choice, sand looks a million times better!) all at once and had no issues. Yes your gravel holds BB but not near as much as what's in your filter/on filter media. I wouldn't worry about it honestly. Also I went from no live plants to all live plants not long after the switch (all fake plants came out, and I had a lot of fake plants) and still had no issues. If your really worried about it you could always put some gravel in a media bag and hang it near the filter intake if you think that would ease your mind some, but I don't think it's necessary to be honest; it's completely up to you.

I've been cycled only since early Feb of this year. Should I wait a while longer to switch?

I'd love to add live plants at some point in the future, but don't know how/where to begin. I'm just getting back into this after years without a tank, and don't want to take on too much, too soon.

I'm actually a bit apprehensive about sand too. I've never used it, and concerned about water changes with sand

Thanks for the help!
I you've been fully cycled since feb your ok to switch.

Cleaning sand is a little more work than gravel but with a little practice it won't affect cleaning time in any major way. You may want it check it out on youtube.

Fine gravel is a little better for most live plants but sand is fine for many plants and looks awesome. I use gravel and moler clay in my tanks at the moment but I plan switch the gravel for sand.
Cleaning sand is a little more work than gravel but with a little practice it won't affect cleaning time in any major way. You may want it check it out on youtube.

I will check it out. I do like the look of sand, but similar to using live plants thought it be kind of a "varsity level" endeavor....

Thanks for the suggestions
Ive been experimenting with live plants for about 6 months. Made plenty of rookie mistakes. I have very basic setups. A 12gallong with only 15w light and a 5gallon thats only lit by indirect sunlight.

To be honest plants aren't necessarily hard to keep. You just have to choose ones that are ok for your setup the same way you would a fish.

You can have a great tank without any plants.
I will check it out. I do like the look of sand, but similar to using live plants thought it be kind of a "varsity level" endeavor....

Thanks for the suggestions

I know it sounds daunting, but its really not. I was honestly scared when I started with live plants, I was so scared they would die. All of my plants are doing good, my amazon sword in particular has went crazy, I'm amazed it looks as good as it does. Just start out with some low light plants (amazon swords, most crypts (I have both crypt parva and crypt lutea) and java moss are ones that come to mind. Any crypt or sword are heavy root feeders, you will need either root tabs you buy or you can make your own. Making your own is much more economical if your on a budget, and from my experience if your able to buy tabs and do the DIY tabs together... That was when my sword exploded, I now have about 4 daughter plants from my mother plant! If you want more info on how to do the DIY root tabs just let me know and I'll explain it!
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