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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2011
I have a very small red ear slider with hornwort and duckweed. Do you all think it would be ok to put some kind of fish in with him. I know he will eventually start eating them but I will rehouse him to an aquarium all on his own. Also what kind of fish should I put with him maybe some livebearers or some type of minnows.
Not sure, I adopted a cooter and the previous owner added some gold fish that it never ate so they eventually got bigger and now they just swim around and when hide under the turtle.

I'm sure you know but red eared sliders can get quite large and eventually would require a large tank.
Not sure, I adopted a cooter and the previous owner added some gold fish that it never ate so they eventually got bigger and now they just swim around and when hide under the turtle.

I'm sure you know but red eared sliders can get quite large and eventually would require a large tank.

Yes I will relocate him to an outdoor pond.
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