right ph for my pleco

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2003
University of Michigan
right now it is high because my other fish comes from alkaline high water,

just wondering how a ph of 8.3 will affect the pleco? he sems ok eats and swims around an stuff.
I think your pleco will do OK, although he will probably not grow as large and healthy, and be more susseptable to diseases. BUT, if he does suddenly drop dead, then you would know what the most probable cause of death was.
8.3 sounds awfully high ... is your water very, very, very hard? or very soft maybe? I know Oakland county has rather hard water, but I'm not sure if your area draws from the same aquafir(sp?)

hard water:
you mentioned driftwood in your tag-line ... the tank the pleco is in has driftwood already? is it real driftwood, or the plastic / composite kind?

try getting some organic peatmoss and putting a little in the next cartridge you rebuild (or just put some in a womens nylon sock and put it in the filter

the peatmoss will soften your water and reduce the PH

soft water:
someone else's experitise is needed here ... I have no idea on how to bring down the ph of softwater without using chemicals (which could bring it down a LOT)
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