River Tank Setup Ideas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 13, 2012
I am thinking about redesigning my 55 gallon tank, as soon as I get my tank fully cycled and make the transition to a newly acquired canister filter. I really want a well defined river (riffle/pool sequence) habitat, and I am taking in any suggestions that anyone may have. I like my setup but I think it is somewhat artificial. So, feel free to put up some ideas. I am also taking in suggestions on how to make the change on my filtration system (hang-on to canister) with minimum impact on my tank.

Hello! What kind of river system are you thinking of? Native? Amazon? Biotope? There are many different kinds!
Wow that looks awesome! Love the scape. Maybe some jungle val in the back and maybe scattered near the front? That would give it a serious riverine look for sure. What fish are you planning on keeping?
Thanks for the comment. I have worked pretty extensively on the setup, but I am not completely satisfied that I have accomplished what I have set out to do.

Sorry, but I am not sure what you mean by "jungle val". Would you mind elaborating on that? I am new to the aquaria trade, but learning.

Currently I have stocked two types of native freshwater darters.

Also a Hogsucker
Sorry about that. Vallisneria or commonly known as Jungle Val is a fast growing, undemanding aquarium plant that can reach up to lengths of five feet. It grows in long stranded leaves and reproduces by shooting runners along the substrate. If grown long enough the plant curls up against the surface (which looks really sweet IMO). It can also be found in many lakes/rivers around North America. I'm assuming your fish wouldn't eat plants would they? If not jungle val would really bring out the "native" feeling. Try looking some pictures up on Google to give you a better idea. It's pretty common, so your LFS might have it stocked as well.
Ya, ok. I have seen it before. My fish aren't herbivores. They seem to like the plants I have put in there so far. My orangethroats (the colorful ones) are in their breading colors now, and I believe that one of the bigger females are trying to spawn. So, I have been looking for plants (like that) for the fry to hangout in (in the event they do spawn). I would be lucky if they did spawn, because they are habitat specific in that process.

Do you think Vallisneria would do well in a tank with velocity? I currently have a aqueon circulation pump (1250 gph) that is a little too much for the setup. I tried to dim it down by using a fan rated dimmer, but it didn't work. I have know way to adjust the output on the pump, and it puts out a pretty fast velocity.
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