river tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 15, 2003
im going to be getting some plecos in the future. my s.a. bumblebee catfish seems to be enjoying the tank :) does any one know of any
different kinds of fish that enjoy fast moving water? maybe some kind
of loach. its a 40g tall. im pretty stoked about the success lol
Are you setting up a tank for fish from one region of the world or will it be a community tank with fish from differant areas of the world.
If you can give us a rough idea of what you are looking for we can advise on the types of fish.
There are loads of differant types of rivers out there so if you could break it down a bit to what you want to see in your tank maybe we can help.
I second Terry's questions/comments. Also, pics would be nice too, it would give us a better idea of what to reccomend.
I've never kept a river tank, but my white clouds really like to play in the current from the filter. Sometimes they swim against the current, sometimes let it carry them along, then swim right back to the outflow. Very entertaining when they do it as a tight school. They're like little tiny Salmon!
Hillstream loaches? I don't know much about them because we can't get them in Australia, but from what I've heard they need a river tank to get enough oxygen.

Check out www.loaches.com for more info on Hillstreams.
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