RO/DI unit slowing down water production

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2011
I used to get a small steady stream coming out of the clean water tube. Now I get a few drops per second. My 100 GPD unit produced about 8 gallons in a day. Seems to be clogged up. I don't know anything about these things so I decided I should ask what the problem might be before I tear it apart. Think it could still be the filters needing replaced even though it still tests 0 TDS?

The water seems to be coming slower out of the waste drain, too.

Only had this unit a few months but I have used it quite a bit. I bought a new one because the last one did the same thing. Don't want to buy a new one again because it's probably fixable.
I'm no expert on these, but it sounds like you need to change a filter or back flush it.
im not quite sure i know how to back flush
i guess i just need to take it apart and see where the stop-up is
The RO/DI always slows down when it gets colder. I can get 5 gallons in two hours in the summer but now that`s it`s around freezing at night I get five gallons in about 8 hours.
still fairly warm here
plus it happened before, so i doubt it's the whether
okay well i took it all apart piece by piece. there is high water pressure coming out of the first part (sediment filter), but very little water coming out of the second part (carbon filter).

So I guess my carbon is clogged up and I will need a replacement carbon filter?

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