Rooted Palnts Problems

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 7, 2013
South Carolina
Hi everyone!

I have a 55 gallon tank with LED lighting and about 3" of plain gravel. I have had the tank for about 2 years now with plants. All of the plants are low demand plants such as anubias, amazon sword, java fern, and valesnira. The plants that I have attached to driftwood (anubias and java fern) are doing great but I have been having very bad luck with the plants that I put into the gravel. The Amazon Sword I had in there did great for the first couple of weeks putting out new leaves but then stops producing same with the val. It seems that the plant is using up the remaining energy and then stops because it cant produce energy in my tank. I lifted up the Amazon Sword and the jungle val all of the roots were gone and the part between the leaves and roots was a dark color.

Do you think I need to put new substrate in other than just plain gravel? The gravel sized is the larger pebble size also running around a quarter to a half an inch on average.

Any help will be appreciated!

Those will work, you put new ones in every one or two months. I'd put a couple at the base of the Amazon sword and a couple at the base of the vals. Just push them as far down in the substrate as you can.

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