roots exposed

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2009
new york
i just saw today as i was pushing un root tabs that the sword plants next to the driftwood where my pleco spends his most time around has been uprooted and to my fibble attemp to push more sand to the area i ended up uprooting even more because the roots were scatters around the plant and i messed up the rooting system all around
as i was panicking i was thinking to myself..."hey the roots must have been exposed for at least a month now and the plants are doing fine so why mess with something that is stable" so i stopped trying to push more sand in and make things worse than now
i see little white hairy roots above the sand and parts of the roots exposed...
will this be ok or should i try to replant the plant

i noticed my myriophyllum roots get green once exposed to lighting (i guess they develop chlorphyll)...will this happen to my sword plant roots also?
that is sort of what i realized after my fish freaked out that a long tweezer invasion was taking place stirring the sand and uprooting their hideout

thank you for reassuring me
yeah my vallisneria has a small part of its roots exposed as I had a hard time burying it completely in the sand and its already shooting up new plants from its runners. Id say your completely okay here
my sword is also shooting up new leaves and i noticed that the crown of the plant got bigger as though it was splitting in two...

they look healthier than ever so i guess it is ok

just needed someone to agree so i feel safer...thank you
prob being able to take in ferts from the water. sounds like you need a deeper substrate.
i have about 3 inches of playsand as the substrate...
its just that my ABN pleco likes to spend most of its time around the driftwood which is placed in between 2 sword plants and the fish uses its tail to dig and uproot...
i guess i should be fine not want to disturb anything that is stable already...unless i get a new bigger tank
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