Rosy barbs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 4, 2012
Are rosy barbs aggressive?
Would they bother my danios, serpea tetras, neon tetras?
I don't think so, but mine were in with tiger barbs and a striped peacock eel and everyone minded their own business. Maybe someone else can give you some more insight.
They are active and in my experience, bullied each other. Hit or miss like any other fish.
bettaowner said:
They are active and in my experience, bullied each other. Hit or miss like any other fish.

Mine also bullied each other, but it was within themselves. It was sporadic, one minute, everything was peaceful, the next minute all heck would break loose. This would only last like a minute than back to normal.
Wow. I really don't want bullies. Are they like tiger barbs. Ive seen mine nipping at each other only. Also would they do good in my planted tank?? I don't want my plants to be in danger
They are no where near as bad as tigers. I have some and they tend to keep their aggression towards one another until a hierarchy is established. I had my serpaes in for about a month before I added them and a couple of my serpaes will actually chase the barbs. But I agree with bettaowner it is still a hit or miss.
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