Rotala W. is disappearing

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I was dosing Flourish Excel and my rotala w just starting to disappear. I have just barely the tips left and I stop dosing are these plants bad with excel?
I've never heard of anyone else reporting problems with Rotala wallichii and Excel before. Are we talking about the recommended dosing levels, or higher dosing to deal with algae? Higher levels can cause problems for more plants than just anacharis and vals, which is why it should only be done with caution.
I was dosing four capfuls every other day to deal with BBA, since a week ago I stop, should I do one capful every other day or just stop dosiing excel?
2x65w for 8hrs a day
plus fertz twice a week

I also have one that looks like the Rotala W. but its all green and that was growing like crazy but now its going away like crazy too. I'm not sure what plants they are I am based on other pictures sort of what they look like the green ones look much thinner leafs than the RW though.

could it be my fish eating them, I have many plants thought are starting to have holes and the sides are cut up like if someone is eating them.
SAEs will decimate R. Wallichii and Mayaca (most likely your green version). You will basically only have stripped stems left.
You know as much as I see pictures of the green one that kind of looks like the R. W. i just dont see it the same. the one I have has small leafs all bunch together much thinner and looks softer than the ones I see in the pictures, but if there is no other plants that looks like it then I guess that is the one.
I have dosed Excel at the 3X rate for a week and had Rotala wallichii in the tank. Looked the same to me during the treatment. It never 'disappeared'.
I think you need more light for R. Wallachi personally. I have trouble growing alot of plants in my 55g with the same light, so in a larger tank, you really should have more light for those type of plants. It could be the SAE as well, but I am standing firm on it being inadequate lighting. ;)

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