Rotten fins??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2003
2 of my serpae tetras seem to have a problem with the top of their fins.Their fins become gradually white -instead of the black healthy colour- like they get rotten.The fish seem to have problem with their movement.Some months ago a goldfish had the same symptoms.It finally died.

Why's that happening?What can i do?

14 gallon tank
5 serpae tetras
2 swordtails
2 guppies
pH=7,6 stable
aaaaaaargh!!!! :x just discovered that guppies have the same problem too!
Is it a kind of bacteria causing this?I did a 30% water change today
Sounds like fin rot. Usually caused by Aeromonas or Pseudomonas bacteria, which take advantage of fish in poor water conditions or low temps. What's your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels? Whats the tank temps? Thumbs up on the water change; how often do you do water changes? And do you gravel vac each time?

You'll want to keep water conditions pristine, and start using a broad spectrum antibiotic like tetracycline or kanacyn. Keep in mind antibiotics will likely muck up your bacterial colonies, so you'll want to test the water frequently. This is one of the few occasions where I would recommend Amquel or another ammonia converting product as you'll want to keep the medication levels up in the tank and water changes make it difficult to work out how much meds to add to keep those levels even. You'll need a salicyte test to make sure there is no unconverted ammonia in the tank (the Nesslers can't tell the difference between converted and unconverted ammonia). Small amouns of salt are also recommended; to help the fish fight the infection as well as to treat possible nitrite poisoning if the bacterial colonies go belly up. Maybe a teaspoon per 5g, as tetras don't do well with high levels of salt.
water changes,30% weekly.I vaccum weekly,too.
Nitrates:25 mg/l or less,nitrites 0 NH3 about 0.
temp 24C.

thanx,i'll try to find the right antibiotic.
more frequent water change would help?
I've been told that by increasing the temperature to 83 Farheneit for 48 hours,the bacterias that cause the fin rot will die.Is this a safe way to confronte them?I'm worried about the sudden temperature change and its effects to the fish health.
I've heard conflicting opinions on that one. Most folks say do not up temps for a bacterial infection; it will only cause ithe bacteria to multiply faster. Then again, our own bodies run higher temps when we're sick to help kill off the infection. I do doubt raising the temps will actually kill off the bacteria though. I've had an occasional bout of fin rot in my tanks and my tank temps are usually 82-83f; didn't stop it or prevent it. Your best bet is antibiotics.
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