Rubbermaid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I was wondering if a Rubbermaid container would be suitable for a tank? I have about 40 fry that are 1/2-1 inch that are in two ten gallon tanks and I have 6 fish that are about release their fry. I saw a huge 50 gal rubbermaid container and wanted to know if I could set it up with a filter heater and let the fry grow a little bigger in there before I sold them to my LFS. Would the plastic hurt the fish or do you see any other problems in doing this.
as long as the plastic isn't coated in some oils or something it should be fine.

Alot of people use those rubbermaid tanks for QT and what not. zI would just be leary of placing my heater right against the plastic.

Wait for more responses tho, since I may be off base.
go for a smaller opposed to larger

or get something like a cooler or truck bed storage box instead

the BIG rubbermaid i've tried are very weak and don't take water too well.

but anything in the 15-30 gallon range seems to hold up fine
Try a farm coop or supply store.
Horse and cattle watering troughs work great, and are designed to hold water.

I have 2 1500's here as well as 4 150's.
They are great.

They have a 100 gallon that is made by Rubbermade that runs for about 55$ here.

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