Rummy Nose Tetra's

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 30, 2012
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Any rummy nose tetra parents here? I just purchased a group of 5 which I will be increasing to maybe 7 or 9 later. Here is my concern:
I know they are sensitive delicate fish.
When I originally seen them in this FS I was at last week, I was absolutely shocked because it seems no one carry them in my town nor will they order them. So of course I was excited to see them also because they were originally the fish I wanted when I first set my tank up 6 months ago. To the point, when I saw them last week they were in a QT and being treated for something that the worker said is topical/external like a fungus type thing. He said they have and still being treated and would not be for sale until today 2/26/13. So I asked for them to be held for me until today.
Moving on, I went to get them and asked how are they and what did they treat them with. They were treating them with professional strength melafix so I asked for some since they were selling me fish that may still need to be treated and that was granted. I had them double bag them for transport (paper sac over plastic) to lessen stress as much as possible. I got them home and slowly acclimated them (about1-1.5 hours) and placed them in my QT, lights off, and added the melafix.
At first they were almost clear from the transport but soon their tails were really black and white their faces colored up half of what I saw at store but I figured that's because lights are off appearing to be night time to them.
I would like any info in how to care for them AND how they behave once they are well (so I can tell when they are getting better) it will be greatly appreciated....thanks in advance..
Also if anyone has used melafix with this specific fish with good results please advise...
It's hard to say why they really treated them but just watch them closely. As for rummy nose once they acclimate they have always proved to be pretty hardy for me. They do school together tightly and will be quick to hide in plants if they feel insecure. They are good eaters and mine eat anything and everything. I really like them alot.
okay and he said the last couple batches they received weren't making it through their treatments but so far these did....I really hope they do well...when should I offer food?
I love rummynose, and I agree they are sensitive during acclimation and when "moving" but overall they're a relatively hardy fish once established. Don't be surprised if it takes their noses time to color up, but they will once they settle in.
Mine love a bloodworm treat, flakes and tetra pellets!! Very active and brightly coloured ( mine would lose alot of colour when I would switch lights on) they appreciated floating plants to dim my light and became even more confident when I added a small school of cardinals to my tank! Good luck with your :) I have 7 with 6 cardinals and cory's.
Start feeding right away. I would only feed the small 3 meals for a week then go down to one.
Not to rain on the parade, but it's not unusual to lose Rummies (hopefully not in this case) up to a week after they're in the their new tank .. even after proper acclimation. Most are wild caught and are very sensitive fish at first. Give them a couple of weeks, their colors will tell you how they're doing and after a few weeks, you'll have a hardy group.

I think they're great fish to have in a peaceful community tank ... I wish I had more than 3 surviving, they school so well compared to my Neons / Cardinals.
Agreed ^ they really are great schooling fish...even try to school with my crazy cory's!!:)
I know alot of people don't want to pay shipping for fish but I waited until LiveAquaria actually got in tank bred rummy's for most of my big school.
I love mine. Agree that they school better than the Tetra's and are very hardy. I have 10 in my tank at the moment and I'm sitting here as I type this watching them all play in the flow of the filter.

Very entertaining little critters :)
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