Sad news for the Potomac River

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I live right beside the potomac and don't even want to think of the impact this could have on our indigenous species.
Holy Cow Toirtis...
If I caught that thing in the pic... I would freak!!!
That looks like the monster under the bed... those eyes!!!

as far as the alerts on the Potomac RIver (in my backyard almost) they have been out for sometime. I live right on the Shenandoah River. I fish there alot. So far so good. I fish in the Chesapeake Bay alot also, and the Dept. of Fish & Game has fliers all over with the pic and what to do if you catch one... DONT THROW IT BACK!!! duh...
that thing looks awesome, i wonder how big of an aquarium i'd have to get to keep one of those :D
The Potomac dumps into the Chesapeake Bay, which dumps into the ocean. These things multiply and are very, very hardy. Scary.

For a while this past summer, local news reports kept a count of the #'s caught in the river and other nearby, connected waterways.

And believe it or not, I've met folks at fish shops who've spoken very fondly about having them - and pirihanas!. Somthing about the "killer fish" folks seem to think is so cool. If they think so, more power to'm. Hopefully they don't anything stupid when the love affair wears off. And they find out they're tuff fish that might not easily die in there home tanks after a few years, or outgrow their tanks, or they get tired of having feeding them, or watching them devour stuff wears off.

But, they get tired of keeping them. Then, they get dumped into local waterways.
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