Safe to rinse Flourite in sink?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 14, 2009
Assuming I won't drop any solid piece of Flourite into the sink, will it be alright to rinse it in there? I've rinsed Flourite inside the tank itself in the past using a syphon, but that is way too much work because I have to constantly fill up the water in the tank with a bucket. It'll be so much easier to let the water run in the sink, but are the Flourite particles safe to be drained down the sink?
yea you can do that. though i would just do it out side in a bucket.

I would put the flourite in a bucket and drain it in the sink. Unfortunately, I don't have a backyard or access to a water hose outside my apt!
Do you have a python? That would work as well.

No python. Too expensive. I have a syphon with a really long tube that leads to outside of my apt. I used that for my first bag.. it was a really tedious process, and after about an hour of doing it, I think I'll need to do it for another hour!
The really fine stuff should be OK to flush down the sink, as long as there is enough water running so things get flushed pass your P-trap. A big dump of the bigger granules may clog your sink, so it may be safer to put a strainer on the drain while you are rinsing to catch any spills. If the strainer gets full it is easy enough to dump out the content ... saves you from having to take apart & clean the p-trap.
The really fine stuff should be OK to flush down the sink, as long as there is enough water running so things get flushed pass your P-trap. A big dump of the bigger granules may clog your sink, so it may be safer to put a strainer on the drain while you are rinsing to catch any spills. If the strainer gets full it is easy enough to dump out the content ... saves you from having to take apart & clean the p-trap.

I rinsed the second bag at the sink. I was careful not to let larger pieces fall through the drain. I did it for about hour or a little more, and it was still a little cloudy, but I figured it was about done from what I've read. I now have 2 bags in a 20g long, and the water is pretty cloudy after I filled it up with water. I'm hoping it will settle in a few days. I haven't put any water treatment yet, but is it safe to add fish after the dust settles and the water is treated? Or should I do a large water change (while disturbing the substrate as little as possible, of course) before adding anything alive? I have a mature filter that I can run in conjunction to a new one, so filtration is not an issue.
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