Safety of freshwater decoration

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 18, 2008
Hi everyone,
I wondered if it was safe to place a plastic resin statue in a freshwater aquarium as decoration. It is not painted but the plastic contains a stain.
Thanks for your input.
Soak in freshwater for 24hrs and test for Ammonia. If fine, bleach heavily for 10mins. and rinse very well.
depends on the resin. testing for ammonia is a good precaution, but, without knowing the composition of the resin/plastic/paint or stain, you cannot be sure that it will not leach a harmful chemical out. bad plastics leach out more than just ammonia...

odds are its safe, however, you cant know for sure untill you try. my suggestion is to buy a feeder fish,comet, or gold fish. drop the statue in the water, and if the goldfish lives for a couple weeks you are prolly safe. if the goldfish dies, you got your answer. it may be a cruel test, but if you care about saving money on decor so much, the death of a 50 cent fish shouldnt bother you.

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