salt to freshwater

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2003
northern california
i have 2 40 gal. freshwater that are very successful. i also have a 30 gal. salt i hate. it has ich just everything wrong from the getgo. so can i change this to a freshwater? i have an emperer 330 bio-wheel. a small powerhead. i am wondering can i clean the biowheel and use this. not sure where to buy the new wheel thingies. so can i just clean it? and how?
I've seen replacement biowheels at PetSmart and PetCo. I would think that you could get one at most LFS that sell penguin/emperor filters. I would get a new biowheel just because I'd be afraid that the wheel soaked up the salt and couldn't be rinsed away. I might be wrong about that but the material that the wheels are made of *seems* absorbant... Has anyone tried cleaning their biowheel? Also, I remember reading on these forums somewhere that the bacteria in SW are the same as in FW so keeping the biowheel wouldn't provide you with an instant cycle anyway.

Everything else, I'd just clean up and re-use.
No need to do much with the biowheel, I don't imagine. Do a light scrub of it (as the bacteria will be different in a SW env.) if you want. Perhaps drop it in a very light bleach solution (your call) to kill of ich etc. Then rinse it thoroughly and place it (I mean them) back in the 330.
*nods and agrees with e-cat*

Totally diff parasite; SW ich cannot infest FW fish as it cannot survive in FW. So no worries there :)

I'd just buy a new wheel tho. Most places which sell Marineland filters and media will sell the wheels as well.
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