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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 29, 2003
I am going to start my first brackish tank. I live in rural Amercia and could only find Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Salt. Evaporated sea salt is all the information on it. Will this work if not I can alway order online.
No. You really need to buy a marine mix. Try looking at Big Als online, it is a pretty reputable place to order fom.

The aquarium salt is mostly NaCl and you need a more complete mix. You will also need a way to measure specific gravity.
*nods and agrees with tkos*

There are other minerals in marine salt that is needed for the brackish tanks that regular aquarium salt does not contain. Don't forget, brackish water is a mix of fresh and sea waters. Its the minerals in the seawater thats needed, not just salt. Theres some info on how to set up a brackish tank here: . Do follow the links at the top of the article for more info.

To measure the specific gravity, use a hydrometer; you can also order one from
Thanks Alli. For some reason I couldn't remember the name of a hydrometer. Crazy cause I am sitting next to a wine making kit.
LOL Is what you get for drinking all that homemade wine tkos ;)

Glad to help lreilly :)
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