Sand sifting star fish-Any input

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2003
Coral Springs FL
Hey, everyone. It's been sometime, but I thought I'd ask this question. What does everyone thing about having two sand sifting starfish in my 72bow? I have 180lbs of LR.

Let me know what you think.

IMO they are not a good idea for the aquarium world. They will eat many benefical organisms and having 2 in a tank that small will cause them to starve to death over time. I know people have tried placeing small pieces of food in the sand bed in hopes they would find it and eat it but I'm not sure how this works.
I agree, and I doubt that enough food could be placed in the sandbed to keep them alive. I would expect much worse things would happen to the water quality from the excess food than anything else. IMO, there are plenty of other starfish to choose from that are much better suited to aquarium life.
HoopsGuru said:
I agree, and I doubt that enough food could be placed in the sandbed to keep them alive. I would expect much worse things would happen to the water quality from the excess food than anything else. IMO, there are plenty of other starfish to choose from that are much better suited to aquarium life.

I don't really think trying to place food in the sand bed is a good idea either but I just remember people on RC discussing it. I think they pretty much stay under the sand the whole time so you wouldn't even know you had it.
They are also harmful depending on how deep and how much LS you have in the tank. After the nutrients from the sand are gone they will most likely starve...Making your sandbed "dead" After that the sand bed will be unbeneficial to the aquarium until introducing more LS.
I think stirring up the sandbed a bit is a good idea. If you have enough live rock or a refugium, the sand will be replenished much faster than they can eat.

I have had 2 in a 55 gallon and they are very happy.
I'm going to keep my 1 in the 55 gallon.. It is the only thing in there that will eat this stuff so it's all his..hopefully he will be ok..

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