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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 20, 2003
El Cajon, CA
just replaced me gravel with some white sand but, cant seem to get it clear enough, its always so merky, as apposed to when i had my gravel in, how can i clean my water if the sand specs are gonna get all over the place?
It'll probably take a week or maybe even two for the sand to settle down all the way. What will happen is the sand will get a "biofilm" on it which is a film of bacteria and that will keep it down. I'd give it some time and I think it'll be OK. I have sand in a FW 55 and don't have any trouble with it...I even vacum it gently when I service the tank.
Logan J
As long as you cleaned the sand before you put it in, then it's just a matter of letting the smaller particulate settle into position and realize it has a specific gravity greater than that of water (I won't get into micro-air and all of that). As Loganj said, it can take 7-14 days.
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