Scallops and others

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2012
Back with more questions:confused:

Iv'e seen that my tank has been getting more micro tube worms, sponges and spaghetti worms. Does this mean that I have more food particles in the water? I plan on having more filter feeding animals, but would this be detrimental to sps corals in the aquarium?
It doesn't mean there are any issues with your tank. It's the normal progression of a saltwater setup. You will continue to be amazed at what literally " comes out of the rockwork". None of what you see now will be detrimental to SPS corals. I recently had something spring up out of a Zoo colony, that I've had for almost 7 years!
It doesn't mean there are any issues with your tank. It's the normal progression of a saltwater setup. You will continue to be amazed at what literally " comes out of the rockwork". None of what you see now will be detrimental to SPS corals. I recently had something spring up out of a Zoo colony, that I've had for almost 7 years!

My tank has been up and running for 4 years, and iv'e gone from fish-only to softies, and it's only been now that I noticed that there's been more filter feeders. Iv'e passed the copepod stage, and have even had oysters pop up. I have a coco worm that I've had for 8 months, and many fan worms.

The main question is would adding a scallop affect the level of planktonic organisms in the water column too much? And also, has anyone had success with Ruffled Ridge Coral?
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