School Project. Looking for free live rock.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 14, 2004
Calgary, Canada
I am setting up a sw tank as a bio project, and am looking for some free live rock from someone who is tearing a tank down. I hate to ask for handouts but because of the public school budget we can't afford to pay the LFS prices. I'm worried about shipping costs so I would very much prefer Alberta or Canada, but I would be thankfull for anything. Thanks a tonne, and please keep and eye out. I appreciate it a tonne!

Well I am in AP bio, which is a full year course,and so our teacher who is a zoo major really wanted to have so live models for animal anatomy (no, no dissection of the fish). She was a zoology major and is retiring this year and so she wanted to leave something for the school. We already have have a freshwater tank running, and have a taratula. We have a million types of plants all over her room and the lab. I think that her goal is to bring so reality to the classroom, no matter how tacky that sounds. I think that I will be working on it for the next year and a half and hopefully have a full reef going by the time I leave. Nice to leave behind a little ecosystem when I graduate.

Hope that that answers your question and if there is anything else you would like to know I would be more than happy to share.
I would contact If it is for a school project then they might help you out.. I read somewhere on their site that they donated some LR to a school..

I have sent a couple of messages through Zach at He said that he would be more than willing to help but we are in Canada and shipping is super expensive, and he had just sent his first shipment to Canada when I spoke with he so he wasn't sure about customs and the reliability of the trip.

I will send him another PM and see how the the first set of rocks to Canada went, and will also check out shipping prices.

Thanks for the post!
You could probably get the school to atleast pay for shipping, if they won't help out with the live rock.
How do you mean? This is a school thing and they will be paying for it all. I am not that generous (lol no I'm poor). I will talk to some of the LFS peeps.
Wow, that's quite a project. I can't help you out, but reading your post made me remember AP bio :? That started me down my long path of acquiring bio degrees; BS--bio, MS--zoo, working on PhD--neurobiology.
Who will be caring for the tank after your teacher leaves?
Yes AP bio is good times. I am 99.9% sure that I am going to be a doctor.

Well I am going to be there for another year so I will until I graduate, and then it will be passed to another young bio AP student hopefully with the same enthuesiasm. Thats awesome that you are going for your PhD in neurobiology. Are you located at foothills for your research?
If you just get SOME liverock, you should be able to get some Dead rock fairly cheap. The live rock will seed the dead rock. Just looking for ways to save big money.
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