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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 3, 2015
Eastern America
I'm looking for schooling fish for my 55g. Currently have 4 mollies 5 black Kuhli 1 striped Kuhli and 2 dojo loaches(1 if I can't get another) right now the tank is empty and all the fish are in a 20g planted(the dojo is still a juvenile at about 4-5 inches) people have suggested WCMM but I have no easy way of getting any and don't want to order any right now because it's still cold out and the mail comes about 4 hours before anyone gets home.

Sent from peliper
I have no luck with tetras but I have been keeping zebra and long fin danios. So far I've kept 10 and haven't lost one

Sent from peliper
How experienced are you? What care-level are you willing to give them? What are some other requirements other than schooling? Would they be centerpiece or background fish? These will all help us figure out what the best kind of fish would be for you.
I've been keeping fish for about a year have been 6 months without a loss of a fish. I give all my heaver stocked tanks a 10% change every other day and less stocked a 20% twice a week. As long as the fish get along and there's no aggression I'm happy(mollies are probably the most aggressive but are still really calm) they'd be more background with the dojo(golden weather loach) being the center of attention.

Sent from peliper
I would prefer to stay away from bottom feeders because of the kuhlis I don't want to make it a battle for food

Sent from peliper
I would prefer to stay away from bottom feeders because of the kuhlis I don't want to make it a battle for food

Sent from peliper

You know their are ways to combat that issue right? I have a 33 gallon long that houses a blue gourami, 13 bronze corys and 6 upside down catfish. I mix all my foods in a coffee grinder, put some food in a small cup with tank water and spread it all throughout the tank. Everyone is happy with plenty of food to eat.
I use sinking pellets for bottom feeders right now with my 6 Kuhli, dojo and 6 Cory cats I go through a large bag every two weeks and they have all the pellets gone in a couple minuets(2 per bottom feeder

Sent from peliper
I use sinking pellets for bottom feeders right now with my 6 Kuhli, dojo and 6 Cory cats I go through a large bag every two weeks and they have all the pellets gone in a couple minuets(2 per bottom feeder

Sent from peliper

Try crushing up the food and spreading it out through the tank. It won't matter to the fish.
I would recommend:

Furcata rainbows

Lamp eye killifish

Glowlight danios

You should research these fish they're all pretty cool.
What I think I'll go with is put my 10 danios, 4 mollies 6 Kuhli and dojo loach in the 55g and my fancy guppy dropped about 30 fry so I'll take the 3 most vibrant and females(I believe it's 2 female to every male) and my platy with my 6 peppered corydoras catfish.

Sent from peliper
I would recommend:

Furcata rainbows

Lamp eye killifish

Glowlight danios

You should research these fish they're all pretty cool.

I know of glowlights and I dislike them because of how they are created. If it where natural I'd have a ton of them

Sent from peliper
I think you may be thinking of glofish. Glowlights are a completely natural species, with no artificial dyes or genes or other stuff.
Glowlights are black with a red stripe. Look into black neons as well, hardy and they look great in a school.

Just to clear the air though, glo fish get a bad rep for no real reason. Dyed fish are horrible, painted fish are horrible, but glo fish really aren't. While they may not occur in nature as such, nowadays they aren't doing anything awful for them to be that color. I'm not arguing the point with you, you're entitled to your feelings, just for anyone else though. They were originally created by adding a gene from jellyfish in order to help measure pollution rates. Now though the glo fish we would see in stores are purely just offspring that have been born with this gene. They aren't undergoing any procedure or mutation, they're simply born with fluorescent coloring.

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