scooter blennys

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2003
northern california
just went to my lfs and saw the cutest fish a scooter blenny. my question is can a scooter blenny get along with a coral beauty, 2 perculas, a cleaner shrimp, a starfish and 10 teeny tiny hermit crabs. oh" i have a 30 gallon with a 330 penguin biowheel, a powerhead and a 4" sand bed. no live rock or sand.
i wouldn't do ot eithout LR scooter's are in the same family as mandarin's and they eat a lota food that comes from the live rock. Although scooters genrally eeat better than mandarins it can be a challenge to keep them fat and happy. JC
our scooter bleny ate slow sinking pellets off the bottom. he never bother anybody. our triggers :twisted: ate him :cry: because he got left behind when we did a tank switch.i really liked that little guy to .
Our scooter blenny does it's own thing, doesn't bother any of the other fish, it eats the pods in the tank but they will also eat brine shrimp and also mysis shrimp and ours has even eaten zooplankton. They are the coolest fish to watch. :D
well i'm not sure if i should get one or not by what everyone is saying. so i guess i would have to add live rock to have one? i don't have a starfish yet. it's a want thing :mrgreen: i would like an orange one. if anyone has any suggestions on that it would be great also.
Scooters are nice fish but IMO you really have to have a lot of stuff in your sand bed for him to eat. I had one and I think he starved to death even with daily feedings.
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