Seachem Flourish?

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
I am sort of new to plants and I got a bottle of Seachem Flourish, the liquid kind with the dropper inside. I was just wondering if anyone else here uses it and what they think about it. TIA! :D
I use Flourish tablets in the substrate and give small doses of Flourish excel (liquid) daily, along with small dose of a liquid fertilizer(leaf zone). All my plants are doing well and growing taller and new leaves:) So I am thinking that it it helps.
Using Flourish, Excel and tabs in my 10 gallon. I'm dosing Excel daily and flourish weekly during water changes. I barely setup this tank a week ago, everything looks good. New growth on everything. So i suppose it works!
I work part-time doing tank maintenance in a LFS. We use Flourish products exclusively in all of our planted tanks and they do very well. Definitely get the Flourish Excel if you dont have it yet. I'm a believer.
I use most of the Seachem products including Flourish, Flourish Tabs, Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, Flourish Trace and Flourite. I don't want to say I'm biased but I think they are great. I just ordered Flourish Postassium. Flourish Excel is great when you want to add carbon to a smaller tank that isn't using CO2 injection. Flourish Iron is perfect if you want to enhance red plants like Alternanthera reineckii or Cryptocoryne wendtii "red".
Oh, cool, I am just looking for something to grow easy, low light plants that are practically kill-proof. Every plant I touch seems to die. :oops: My planted tanks are only my 2nd attempt at growing plants, I'm not even sure what I have except for java fern and anubias nana. I am so bad at keeping plants, and have such crappy lighting, that I want to at least give them a fighting chance, so I bought the Flourish. :lol: So I should use it daily even though the label says once or twice a week? Do carbon inserts for power filters take Flourish out of the water? Dumb questions but my 1st time with a fertilizer. Thanks!!!
Carbon will absorb iron and other trace elements that the plants use. I just slit the top of the filters and dump the carbon out. Keep the carbon in case you have to medicate your tank. You can put the carbon back in the filter. Try some of the plant bulbs from Walmart or Petco. I have had good luck with them with low light , just a little added plant food.
I wouldn't recommend exceeding the suggested dose. You risk algae breaking out if you provide too much nutrients in the water. The plants you have are low light plants that don't require a lot of nutrients. This is the dosing schedule I follow:

Flourish, Flourish Trace - every Sunday and Wednesday
Flourish Iron - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Flourish Excel - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday (on my 10g and 5g tanks)
You should follow the recommended dosing. Alot of people are mentioning that they are dosing everyday, but that is a different product. It's Seachem Flourish Excel.
Flourish excel states to does every other day. I've been using excel for almost 3 weeks now, and it looks to be working well. I just started using flourish iron this week, dosing every other day or so along with the excel. Will see how my rotalas turn out. :)

For java ferns and moss, I'm not sure if you even need carbon supplementation. They will grow slower, but I don't forsee them dying without an external carbon source.
Well, that's not all I have, but it is all I know the names of. :oops: :lol:
Removing the carboon is a waste of time...the actiavted carbon in those cartridges die within 3 days...

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