Seachem Fluorite & Invertebrates

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 18, 2012
Southern California
So I understand that Seachem Fluorite has many minerals one those many being Copper and copper is known to be lethal to all invertebrates. Has anyone successfully kept snails in seachem black sand fluorite?
Copper is only lethal in substantial amounts. It's actually an essential element to inverts in trace amounts, nothing to worry about.

Yeah I've heard that too but I read somewhere that it's been known that even a fairly large snail population will immediately show negative effects in the presence of copper as low as 0.01%, but then again I've never tried myself to figure this out. I wouldn't like to purposely experiment on any snails. That's why I'm trying to find someone that has personal experience with Seachem black sand fluorite and snails.

But I greatly appreciate your response.
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