Seafood used as coral food??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 25, 2011
Is there anything you can buy from your market or local store u can cut up and feed to mushrooms!?
I would like to food my Rics tho I heard it speeds up their splitting
i don't know if it speeds up their splitting, but you can cut up pretty much anything from the ocean in small enough pieces and feed it to corals (at least to the ones that actually eat meaty foods).
How small does it have to b cut? And can it be frozen or does it have to be fresh
it depends on the size of the coral. for ricordea, the pieces would have to be very small- smaller than a bb.
Alright thanks for the help! And does it matter fresh vs frozen?
I was thinkin off blending something up.. What would u recommend ??
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