Seahorse tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 4, 2002
I'm interested in starting a seahorse tank. Curious about how hard this is? I'm considering the farm raised sea horses from Hawaii instead of wild caught. They are so beautiful! Can anyone let me know the pros/cons of them?

IMHO, the seahorse tank is the most difficult marine tank to keep. They require the best quality water conditions possible. But as RR stated the CB ponies are a much hardier than WC and are all ready trained to eat frozen Mysis. is your best BB for these and has great research info. If you have any specific questions shoot. I have been keeping SH and Pipefish for quite sometime now and have helped many beginner SH keepers.

here is my SH ranch setup,If you would like to take a look 40 gal SH ranch
Thanks for the link alf.

I have added it to our links database under Saltwater and Reef.
reefrunner69 said:
Alf does, if he hasn't replied in the next day or so, you might consider shooting him

Now now, is this an appropriate way to celebrate our differences?

Guy :lol:
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