Seaweed, sea weed, help ID Plz!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2008
New Roc, NY
Hi It's me again!
I just got this thing from costco. It was sold for about $2.00. It is about 6-8" wide with bushy stardy hmm branches (?). Reddish/brownish color.
I got it to add diversity to my tank, help stabilize its parameters and maybe my fish will munch on them?
PM me tomorrow, unless fluff gets ahold of this first. It looks like you may have an excess of nutrients in your tank (the green algae too).
My LFS used to have alot of it and he would call it sea kelp. Have ya`ll heard it called that?
I may be wrong, but I think kelp is a generic term.....I think kelp gets really big.
That would last about 5 minutes in my tank. The tangs would take about 4 minutes to discover it and 1 minute to devour it :)
That would last about 5 minutes in my tank. The tangs would take about 4 minutes to discover it and 1 minute to devour it :)
I wish I could see that! My two fish are kind of indifferent to it. Do clowns and damsels feed on this?
I'm also looking for a green one that inhibits phosphates.
Clowns and damsels prefer a more carnivorous diet. Caulerpa racemosa and Chaetomorpha take up nutrients most efficiently in competing with nondesireable algaes.
Yes as James said your clowns and damsels will not eat it. We were talking about tangs (surgeonfish) that are herbivores. I keep my refuge full of it to take care of the excessive nutrients in my tank. I`ll pull a ball of it out to feed my tangs everyonce in a while.
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