Serpae tetra nipping the fins of my Bolivian Rams

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 5, 2015
I have a school of 7 serpae tetras in a tank with neon tetras and a pair of Bolivian Rams. Although they are ignoring the neons they are nipping the fins of the Bolivians. I had a pair of angels in there before and they didn't fight at all. Is it because the Bolivians are "newbies" and will eventually lay off or should I relocate the Rams. Thanks

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That's interesting, my serpaes have the opposite problem. They generally leave my German Blue Rams alone, and actually get chased off by my male if they get to close to the female, but they have been absolute bullies to my angel and I am considering trying to rehome him (or her) if they don't start asserting themselves more. The angel is relatively new to the tank so I think it's just territorial stuff going on with the serpaes and the angel being shy do to being in unfamiliar territory. I thought putting them in a larger school was supposed to help so I upped their school to 15 before I introduced the angel and they are still picking on them and nipping their fins. I wish I had some real advice for you but I can tell you that upping the number of the school does not always even out the aggression, in my case it's more like filling a playground full of adolescent boys lol. If someone else has more experience with keeping serpaes peaceful I would be interested to hear any advice also!

(Before anyone asks, it's a 46 gallon cube with a lot of plants and cover, with 15 serpaes, 2 GBR, and one medium Angel)
How big are your Bolivian Rams? My GBR are not quite full grown but definitely bigger than the serpaes. I was just wondering if the size of your Rams might have something to do with it? I saw some smaller rams being terrorized at a Petco by a bunch of tiger barbs (notoriously nippy just like serpaes) that were around the same size. I tried telling the employee who did not seem concerned (shocker!)
Serpae are notoriously nippy. Most of the time tetra schools ignore other fish schools, so im not shocked that they ignored the neons. You might swap them out for a slightly tougher cichlid, but its a gamble. Rainbow cichlids are pretty chill, but the tiniest bit bigger. They might shove back.
Yeah rasboras would work too. Im partial to small loaches, obviously. And there are several types to choose from. They have alot of personality and several can hold their own, but are generally friendly to peaceful tankmates.
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