serpae tetras keep them or not

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
As of right now I have 13 Serpae tetras I'm adding 6 pearl gouramies, 6 rams, 10 cardinal tetras and we as of right now my Serpae dominate the tank they are all over and feel they will stress my rams and they also killed a few cardinal tetras. Should I get rid of them? Or do you think with the introduction of new fish they will chill out? My pearls are only going to be about an inch or inch and a half long.
What size tank?

Some people report their serpaes as being nippy, mine were always very peaceful.
What size tank?

Some people report their serpaes as being nippy, mine were always very peaceful.

75 gallon. I'm just worried about the tank being to crowded and I feel they may be to aggressive with 1inch gouramies when the tetras are all full grown.
I think your tank is big enough, but I don't know for sure. I have known them to be nasty and I honestly wouldn't recommend putting gouramis with them. I would think the others would be ok since your tank is big enough and you have a big enough school of them.
My best advice (if you want to keep them all) would be to feed them, turn off the lights, rearrange everything in the tank, float/add the new guys, and keep the lights off for a day or so. Also, make sure your rams have lots of caves and hiding places. They shouldn't have a problem since they stay on the bottom.
my tank will only have one cave but has plenty of plans for he rams to hang out in, I don't feel there should be much of an issue, Ill just watch the tetras after adding my gouramis and see how they react and remove them if needed.
I would not mix serpae with rams or pearls. They are too nippy and the finnage (and possibly the health) of the other fish will suffer. The other fish will also have to be spot fed to get any food.
I would not mix serpae with rams or pearls. They are too nippy and the finnage (and possibly the health) of the other fish will suffer. The other fish will also have to be spot fed to get any food.

the feeding is my main concern I'm glad you said this. I will be getting rid of them because of this sadly.
Sad, but good on you for doing right by the fish and planning ahead.
Another tank is sometimes an option? ;)

You're right though, I don't think it would work out either.
haha I just dropped like $1400+ on my tank I think im at my limit for now, but I plan on getting a 250 gallon reef later down the road, I really want a Queen Angel Fish, and a Full grown Lion fish. So that will be my next tank till then im maxed out with a 10gallon, 90gallon Cichlid community, and my 75gallon planted amazon biotope...(with pearls haha). Also by removing them it will allow me to add a discus or 2 down the line once I get my tank astablished the best it can be.

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