Server ?'s

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 7, 2011
Weston, WI
Sorry I don't know where to post this. Yesterday I tried uploading a few pictures to my thread...It gave me an error Bad Request, Server doesn't understand the command or close to that effect.

I tried again this morning and still same thing. These I've tried from my lap top.

Last night I tried posting a comment to a thread and I got the same message 2 times and the third time it finally posted. That post was from my phone and not my laptop.

Are there issues with the server lately?

Lastly, what happened to the threads that related to these types of things and general questions to the administrators, I thought there were some general threads, like bugs and news and stuff like that, they didn't relate to aquariums but to the forum. They went away or at least I can't find them.EDIT: I found them

Thanks for reading.

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