Set up for fire bellied newt

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 27, 2014
Indiana, USA
Is this okay? 10 gallon. There is a filter, not a strong current. No gravel. Could climb on the plants and the top of the rocky cavern ornament which provides an underwater hiding spot, too.

Any suggestions? Thanks :)ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1400163813.596315.jpg
Is this okay? 10 gallon. There is a filter, not a strong current. No gravel. Could climb on the plants and the top of the rocky cavern ornament which provides an underwater hiding spot, too.

Any suggestions? Thanks :)View attachment 237296

Substrate and filter are fine but I would advise more land space as newts do need to fully come out. A mini turtle dock would do the trick. Last thing, you have to have a UVB light. UVB is like the most important thing every reptile/amphibian needs. This is the most common mistake people do. A lot of people don't know that UVB helps most reptiles and amphibians get vitamin D and it also mimics the natural sun. I know it does more but those are the 2 most basic things.
Ok thanks! You don't think he/she would use the plants to climb out of the water?

They can but I think they prefer a piece of land. At my fish store the newt tank (a 20 gallon long) is half land and half water. The land part is just some big rocks that surface above the water.
I know UVB is needed for reptiles but didn't think it was for amphibians?
They don't I've had plenty of amphibians with no UVB and they have all been fine. Including fire belly newts
They don't I've had plenty of amphibians with no UVB and they have all been fine. Including fire belly newts

I questioned this myself and looked it up and did find a source (don't have the link) that mentioned the benefits of UVB for amphibians.
OP - good luck with the newts and keep us posted.
From experience I've never used a strict UVB bulb over an amphibian tank and they've been fine. It is not as needed as with reptiles.
Basically it's effects with amphibians are still up in the air but I've never used one and never had an issue. Some people probably do and don't have an issue either. So do they require it, ime no.
From experience I've never used a strict UVB bulb over an amphibian tank and they've been fine. It is not as needed as with reptiles.

Hey Bribo not going against you what you think but I've been doing this for a wile and UVB does benefit in a lot of ways. Any reptile or amphibian that comes out of water should have UVB. It helps with growth and imitates the natural light unlike a normal incandescent or fluorescent bulb can. You mentioned you've never used one so i would not say anything without personal experience. Mainly for newts it's just good to have it for enhancing there colour and it's healthy for them as well as I mentioned it imitates the natural daylight.
I've been doing herps for 15 years. I've never used UVB on amphibians. I've used it for reptiles but never seen any ill effects on any amphibian I've ever kept.
I've been doing herps for 15 years. I've never used UVB on amphibians. I've used it for reptiles but never seen any ill effects on any amphibian I've ever kept.

Hey, I just updated the last post.
I am speaking from experiencing saying that I've seen no ill effects of not using it. Your the other side of the coin saying it has effects. Like I stated earlier its not 100% known what it does for amphibians and probably varies based on amphibian. So IMO no amphibians don't require it as from my experience I've never had problems without one. Basically it is up in the air an I feel either way the op goes the newts will do fine. No right or wrong here. I just feel they don't need it
I've been doing herps for 15 years. I've never used UVB on amphibians. I've used it for reptiles but never seen any ill effects on any amphibian I've ever kept.

Again not trying to argue. Sure they can live without UVB but I'm just saying it's more healthy for them if they had a UVB light.
Again not trying to argue. Sure they can live without UVB but I'm just saying it's more healthy for them if they had a UVB light.

That's fine, I feel they do fine without it. Unless you can do a study proving it's effects and healthier animals no one can say that they're healthier with it. My darts are fat and active and super colorful without it. So I'm on the no UVB is fine side. Maybe next dart frog viv I setup ill setup a UVB bulb and see if my frogs look healthier.
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